
The 40th Annual Scientific Conference

Analyzing Clinical risks in PACU

Anorectal Malformation

CyberKnife Procedure

Drug Diversion in the Operating Room

ERP systems in Healthcare

Higher Diploma in Nursing program evaluation

KAP study on students mentorship

KAP study on surgical site marking

Laser Safety

Management of acute theatre emergencies at KNH

Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Operating Room

Nurture versus Nature

Navigating ethical dilemmas within the scope of practice

Nurturing the next best in nursing

Patients triage in emergencies

Safe handling and dispatch of specimen in the OR

Single Wound Therapy

Surgical Conscience in the OR

Telemedicine Experience in the perioperative practice

The effects of Electrosurgical Plume to OR personel

The Electronic health records system

Use it or Lose it-Physical fitness for nurses